Saturday, 26 February 2011

February 2011 update

The big news for me this month was a favourable half-page review of Bad Worse Worst in When Saturday Comes. WSC are very thorough in their reviews and I've seen many a book politely slated by their reviewers. I escaped with just one sideswipe (about the editing) and a bit of praise - overall a good result.

In terms of publishing, I've been discussing a Notts County book with an author which will hopefully become part of the series sooner rather than later. The book is focussed around Notts' "Sven" season and I'm sure it will be a great read. Without the authors passion, the season would probably never be documented and become little more than a future pub question. Whether its released via me or not, its great that it exists and I look forward to reading it.

Another project gaining momentum is a book about the Respect campaign, focusing on junior football and the associated  parental (mis)behaviour - I'm sure that will contain some toe-curling anecdotes! The author is beavering away as we speak and hopefully it will see the light of day in the next few months.

Finally, I've started working on some artwork for the Hinckley book, with a brilliant team-photo supplied by author. Its a team group of painted lego men! I'll share it with you once I've done a bit more.

Bye for now,
